Provider Resources

National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES): NPI Registry

Applying for an NPI number


Login/Sign Up

Quick reference guide

Becoming a Medicaid Provider

Medicaid (Conduent) Provider Application

Medicaid Application Tips

If you are unable to submit an application online, click the appropriate link to print the MAD335 or MAD312 paper application or contact the Provider Relations Helpdesk for assistance at; or call them at 505-246-0710 or 1-800-299-7304.

Becoming a Medicaid Provider

Medicare Pecos Enrollment System:   
Individuals must submit a 855-I application
Groups must also submit an 855-B application
To reassign an individual to your group, complete the 855-B application

Filing a Claim

CMS-1500 Claim Form & Instructions

NUCC 1500 Claim Form Reference Instruction Manual

Taxonomy Codes

Identify your taxonomy code